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Carnevale dei bambini

  • 26 Feb 2011
  • 10:30 AM - 12:59 PM
  • Illusion theater lobby in the Hennepin Center for the Arts


  • The event is free, but please consider a $2 per person donation to help sustain ICC cultural programming for children.

    For our planning purposes, kindly indicate the number of adults versus children (13 and under).

Registration is closed
Festa Carnevale

A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale!

Vieni all'ICC per festeggiare il Carnevale con lavoretti e attivita` per bambini, la pentolaccia, e uno spettacolo di canzoni e scenette di Carnevale presentato dagli studenti della Scuola d'Italiano ICC.   

Gli ospiti sono invitati a gustare autentici dolci Italiani fatti in casa e preparati specialmente per l'occasione (chiacchiere e castagnole). Vi preghiamo di portare un dessert da condividecarnevale dei bimbi.jpgre. Bambini e genitori sono incoraggiati a venire mascherati. Tutti sono benvenuti! 

Join the ICC for a festive celebration of Carnevale featuring crafts and activities for children; la pentolaccia; face-painting; and a presentation of Carnevale-themed songs and skits by students of the ICC Youth language school.

 Guests are invited to enjoy authentic, home-made carnevale sweets (chiacchiere and castagnole) specially prepared for the occasion. Please bring a dessert (home-made or store bought) to share.
Children and parents are encouraged to come in costume. All are welcome!

The event is free, but please consider a $2 per person donation to help sustain ICC cultural programming for children.

250 Third Ave. N, Suite 625
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 295-4111

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