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Ora delle fiabe: Quanti semi ci sono in una zucca?

  • 27 Oct 2012
  • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Room 500


Registration is closed
Ora delle fiabe: Quanti semi in una zucca?

Venite a celebrare con noi la stagione autunnale, e il suo frutto piu' famoso: la zucca! Ascolteremo la storia "Quanti semi in una zucca?" seguita da attivita' esplorative e artistiche, e dal gioco speciale della "Pesca" con premi a sorpresa. Venite mascherati perche' la nostra scuola festeggia Halloween nello stesso giorno.

Come and celebrate with us the fall season and its most famous fruit: the pumpkin! We will listen to the story "How many seeds in a pumpkin?" followed by exploration and art projects, and by the special game of "Pesca" with surprise gifts for all. Dress up in costume because our school is celebrating Halloween on the same day.
Once a semester the Youth language school opens its door to children of all proficiencies (ages 0-6) for an hour of fun activities, in Italian, featuring songs, crafts and of course a story or two presented by parent volunteers.

Cost: Free
Location: ICC, room 500

250 Third Ave. N, Suite 625
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 295-4111

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