Celebrate Ferragosto with friends of the ICC!
Ferragosto - the Italian mid-August holiday - is celebrated throughout Italy with picnics and informal outdoor gatherings. The Italian Cultural Center invites you and your family to a picnic-style celebration where you can enjoy a game of bocce ball, horseshoes and volleyball. A variety of fun activities for children will be available. Be sure to bring your own food and beverages (wine and beer are allowed in the park). The ICC will supply the charcoal if you wish to grill and the traditional watermelon. We look forward to seeing you there!
When: Saturday, August 6, 4 - 8 PM
Where: Tartan Park, Pavilion 2a (7 miles east of 3M Center)
11455 20th St N
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Directions: direction to Tartan Park - Google Search
Cost: FREE but please RSVP by clicking "Register" button and specify the number of people coming (adults and children)
Un Ferragosto tra amici
L’Italian Cultural Center vi invita a festeggiare il Ferragosto tra parenti e amici con un tradizionale picnic completo di giochi all’aperto per bambini e adulti. Invitiamo ogni famiglia a portare il proprio cibo e bevande (vino e birra sono permessi nel parco). L’ICC metterà a disposizione la carbonella, per chi volesse grigliare e per finire, la tradizionale anguria.
Data: Sabato, 6 agosto 2011
16,00 – 20,00
Luogo: Tartan Park, Pavilion 2a
(7 miglia ad est del centro 3M)
11455 20th St. N.
Lake Elmo,
Informazioni: direction to Tartan Park - Google Search
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