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CF18 bilingual/Advanced B age 7-10

  • 14 Sep 2019
  • 11:30 AM
  • 14 Dec 2019
  • 12:30 PM


A 60 minute immersion lesson, following a school wide snack, for elementary school bilingual children. Students will develop good reading and writing, from special sounds (digrammi) to entire words and sentences; they will learn basic elements of grammar (articolo, nouns, pronouns, presente indicativo), and continue to expand vocabulary and oral communication skills through interactive songs, stories, games and imaginative play. Contemporary Italian culture, age appropriate literature, traditional holidays, and geography will be emphasized.

 Students will use AMBARABA Student book 2/Audio CD set .To purchase the book


No classes on Saturday October 19 (MEA);  Saturday November 30 (Thanksgiving weekend)
Winter Party on last day of school Saturday December 14

Important message         

Membership: Committee of the ICC has adopted a policy requiring membership for all language classes. Membership allows lower rates on classes than previously charged for non-member registration. Plus, membership includes discounts on other classes and events, as well as other benefits. Family membership is recommended, which covers parents and children. However, it is possible to purchase an individual membership for a child. Follow this link to became a member

Please register the first child, click on "pay online", the PayPal window will open, click on "Cancel and return to the Italian Cultural Center", once back on the ICC website click on the "new registration" button on the bottom right corner, register the second child and click on "Pay Online", this should allow you to make one single payment for both registrations. For any additional child that needs to be registered in another class, please start a new registration and make a separate payment

250 Third Ave. N, Suite 625
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 295-4111

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