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Senza arte né parte (Make a Fake) tickets and sponsorship

  • 01 Apr 2012
  • 2:30 PM
  • Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Auditorium 150; 612-874-3700


  • Please bring documentation of student status.
  • Please bring documentation of student status.

Tickets and sponsorship for Senza arte né parte  

Make a Fake (2011) – Comedy - 90 min.
Director: Giovanni Albanese

Enzo, his wife and two small children; Carmine with his aging mother; and Bandula, an Indian immigrant, find themselves unemployed and penniless after their boss decides to modernize his factory and replace part of the workforce with machines. But later he re-hires the three workers to become guardians of a modern art collection that he is building, in which they discover a new universe where a finger print on an egg is worth a fortune. They soon come up with a clever but risky plan to leverage their position and take advantage of their new situation. The result is just what they had hoped for, as they celebrate their success, until something goes horribly wrong...
In Italian with English subtitles.

250 Third Ave. N, Suite 625
Minneapolis, MN 55401
(612) 295-4111

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